Friday, June 7, 2013

Final Questions

1.       Having a gallery helped me see my photos as something that could be sold. Before I thought of them as just photos.

2.       I would tell next year’s class to stay on top of all the assignments and to not get behind. Once you fall behind it is very hard to catch back up with good pictures. I would also tell them to be thinking about the concentration the whole year.

3.       This class taught me how to take better pictures and how to bring more meaning to them. It also taught me how to be more professional with them.

4.       I learned that I like when there is a hidden meaning in the photo.

5.       I will apply being organized, staying ahead in my work, and possibly the actual photography in my future life.



Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I think I'm done!!

I started with simple face shots and layering them with nature shots to give the face texture. I then started to add more shadows and weirder points of view to the portraits, trying to get more contrast so the background would be more prominent. Like in image four, you can barely see the person but the background image is very clear. This could give the impression that you are looking at who they are on the inside instead of what they show you.  In the end I did a few abstract body parts with strong shadows and layered them with pictures that could add more emotion. My background pictures started as landscape images but as the quarter went on I started taking more abstract macro shots. I did this to help get more texture in the portrait. To help communicate my ideas I used high contrast in mood and lighting. I also used repetition, texture, and movement to add a certain feeling. Rule of thirds also helps the picture from being too centered. I started working on pictures that were of happy people that were hiding a sadness in them but in the end I think my photos show someone who is looking for hope and love because it feels like their life is falling apart and no one is there to help them.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Final 13 (Week 6)

My final 13! I started with the layering of the leaves, but I don't know if I will keep it. I then put the less recognizable layered body parts (hands, chest, side of face, and eye). Next are the pictures where the eye is more of the main focus. I ended it with my full portrait pictures.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Week 5

These first two photos are photos I took in Alaska. They are looking at the mountains through a glass.

In the last three photos I tried putting more of an emotion on the flower by writing love on it.

I was playing with more value and contrast in these.

I was seeing if I could get any cool effects with point of view and shadows

This photo turned out blurry, but it gave a delusion affect that could turn out cool in a layered image.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 4

This week I took new pictures. Nature is starting to get more colorful so I am trying to capture that instead of darker colors. I also tried to get weird angles and lines.